
Thursday, February 14, 2013



Today is Valentine’s Day, many may not have a date for today but it is just another day of the week. Many may be depressed for not having someone but the question is why?
Why does everybody get depressed for not having a date? I am in the 9th grade and don’t have a girl but I am not depressed for that. Well Valentine’s Day is mostly a day for commercial (big business) because they sell: expensive candy, jewelry and more items to supposedly show there love. But that’s just crap because if they don’t show care, love or any other sign of love, it’s just maybe they really just don’t care about you, yea it may be hard to admit but why stick around just like a fly around something that’s never was or is going to be yours. I know I am just in High school and am not a professional like Dr.Phil but my point is to all those who are alone in valentine’s day is to not be depressed because of another day, and if you like to get with someone, just straight tell him/her on any day of the week but not just because it’s valentines expect to make him/her say yes.


And know to does who have a partner, then enjoy.  Gifts are not important if you love him/her. The important is that you two spend the most time together as possible because time and distance are just numbers when it comes to love. And me well I am just going to wait for the person who accepts me by whom and what I am because I don’t want to be played around with. So remember that if your alone, don’t worry, or if you’re planning to ask someone, then go for it but make it special, but if you have a partner then enjoiy.

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